Response to BBC: The lesbians who feel pressured to have sex and relationships with trans women

I encountered this article on regarding trans women and the pressure cis women lesbians feel to have sex with them… frankly it rubbed me the wrong way, so much that I felt compelled to respond in an unofficial way (the only way I can respond to a hyperbolic sensationalist syndication). The lesbians who feel […]

Successful Lactation using Domperidone as a Trans Woman

For the past few months I’ve been successfully lactating, based loosely on the Newman Goldfarb Protocol: Where to get Domperidone? I couldn’t find a lactation protocol adapted specifically for Trans women, so I kept my base HRT regiment the same while adding Domperidone, acquired from a source on Note that Domperidone is basically […]

Anecdotal and proven uses for Progesterone for Transfeminine HRT

Recently I started Progesterone, specifically 100mg “bio identical” Oral Micronized taken as suppository (hole poked in the capsule with a safety pin, run under water for a second to soften, then insert with a little lubricant for priming). Without doing a lot of research I noticed some things simply based on the effects I felt […]

Breast tanner stages are developmental, not size!

For some reason almost every post on asks what their tanner stage is. Even if you don’t ask your tanner stage, someone will be compelled to tell you anyway in the comments. Listen folks… Breast Tanner Scale is developmentally based, not size based. It’s not something interpretive, it is a physiological stage of development. […]

Transgender Breast Development: A lack of data is progress?

There is a trend in transgender research that I’ve noticed – a lack of evidence in either direction is often considered the “gold standard” for clinical practices. This is blatantly absurd. 1. Clinical Review: Breast Development in Trans Women Receiving Cross-Sex Hormones Results: Only few studies with low quality of evidence addressed these topics. The […]

My Hair Recovery Timeline. Aiming for full recovery through biohacking.

This hair recovery timeline is not an endorsement of using Estradiol for hair recovery. Estradiol will dramatically reduce Testosterone production in Testicles and hence serum levels. Estradiol may also permanently sterilize reproductive ability/sperm production (the science is not clear currently). It can also reduce the size of penis/testicles/prostate. My Testosterone levels are well below castration/in […]

Can Estradiol Monotherapy work for you? Will you need antiandrogens?

A lot of people start HRT using blockers such as Spironolactone to suppress Testosterone with the goal of achieving typical cis women levels for optimum feminization. Some people even try a “low and slow” method of antiandrogen monotherapy for several months before starting Estradiol therapy. One frequent question is whether Estradiol Monotherapy (only dosing Estradiol […]

Potential side effects from Finasteride. Is Dutasteride any better?

I was interested in taking Finasteride to see if it helped with hair loss and also to limit localized DHEA to DHT conversion in my body (side stepping Testosterone to DHT conversion). I was prescribed 5mg daily, which is a lot, but I thought it would make side effects very apparent. For me Finasteride was […]

My Non Binary Transfeminine Timeline

I started HRT without any specific physical goals in mind, other than the hope that it might help with my issues of depersonalization. It ended up helping a lot with Dopamine function right away (correcting anhedonia) and slowly after 4+ months it helped a little with depersonalization. At the time of this writing (20210205) I […]

The many strange ways you can regrow long lost hair!

We’ve all been told to preserve what hair we have by being proactive… well I never did that and didn’t care for almost 2 decades as I continued to become increasingly bald. This has led me to investigate various methods of hair recovery and their efficacy. Some of the items listed here are very well […]
