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Hair Recovery – Trans Icarus

Anecdotal and proven uses for Progesterone for Transfeminine HRT

Recently I started Progesterone, specifically 100mg “bio identical” Oral Micronized taken as suppository (hole poked in the capsule with a safety pin, run under water for a second to soften, then insert with a little lubricant for priming). Without doing a lot of research I noticed some things simply based on the effects I felt […]

My Hair Recovery Timeline. Aiming for full recovery through biohacking.

This hair recovery timeline is not an endorsement of using Estradiol for hair recovery. Estradiol will dramatically reduce Testosterone production in Testicles and hence serum levels. Estradiol may also permanently sterilize reproductive ability/sperm production (the science is not clear currently). It can also reduce the size of penis/testicles/prostate. My Testosterone levels are well below castration/in […]
